Little Fighter 2 Rudolf Transform

Little Fighter 2 Rudolf Transform Average ratng: 3,5/5 9295 votes
You can also code Rudolf's Transform Move into your own characters!
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  3. Little Fighter 2 Rudolf Transformation
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Little fighter 2 rudolf transforming

When Henry, Rudolf or Hunter press Attack and Defend or Jump at the same time, they defend or jump, but they still lose mana, as if they let off a shot. This also happens when they pick up an item. When a fighter carrying a heavy object is hit by a Shield, Flute. The Little Fighter Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Copyright 1999-2008, Marti Wong & Starsky Wong, All rights reserved.

WindowsLittle Fighter 2 is an online fighting game with 2D graphics, and infinite replay value. Simple contols and limitless competetion make this a cool game that you should definately check out.Its quite addicting too, the crack-rock of videogames.You can play in VS Mode to face one challenger of your choice, or else Stage Mode just like the classic beat-em-up action games. Otherwise you enter a championship mode, where you can choose to play against other players or against the computer in different levels of difficulty. Naruto little fighter 2. There are up to five Stages, with bosses at the end!

Little Fighter 2 Cheats

You can add Rudolf's Transform move other characters as a new skill. You just have to follow these three steps:
1) The first transformation
First thing you have to do is to give your character a chance to go to a frame with a transforming-cpoint. It's best to use the combination [Defend]+[Jump]+[Attack], because it's used in transform back and you can't change it because it is defined in the source code.
The transformation cpoint is nothing special. The things you need are a cpoint, a vaction (best to use to frame 181, that's falling), a throwx & y (so the character doesn't stays in place) and a throwinjury: of the value -1 (this value tells the computer that your character should transform). And of course the frame should use state: 9.


Little Fighter 2 Download

kind: 1 x: 72 y: 80
vaction: 181 throwvx: 10 throwvy: -5 throwinjury: -1
Little fighter 2 rudolf transformations cpoint_end:
2) Transforming back
For this, you only need to know one thing. If the transformed character presses [Defend]+[Jump]+[Attack], he transforms back and start at frame 245. Program the transform back effect by editing this frame!

Little Fighter 2 Rudolf Transformation

Little Fighter 2 Rudolf Transform Youtube

3) The second transformation
To allow another transformation without catching, you have to create a new move. In 'Standing', 'Walking' and 'Defend' note an input like hit_ja: 300 (frame number can be changed). The first frame of this move must have state: 500. This locks the move unless the character has already used the transform move, but if you have already transformed, you'll be able to use this move. The second important thing is state: 501 in the last frame. The transforming back is still the same.
Here's a example for the 'Second-Transforming'-frames:

<frame> 300 transform_second
pic: 0 state: 500 wait: 0 next: 301 dvx: 0 dvy: 0
centerx: 39 centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
<frame> 301 transform_second
pic: 0 state: 501 wait: 0 next: 999 dvx: 0 dvy: 0
centerx: 39 centery: 79 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0

Of course, you can modify these frames to fit your needs.
In case the characters where you use this technique use the second sprite sheet hisself (means you can transform into him with state 8000) he uses the second spritesheet for all chars he transform in - so all characters need to be transformable with the state 8000 thing..
Here's the study example:

Rudolf Transform